Welcome to Northside Elementary
2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results Northside
Test Results
Welcome from Principal Scott Hundley


We are so excited to welcome our students and families to Northside Elementary to join our Thoroughbred Family. Within our school building we are reimagining what students are being asked to do! We will certainly teach our students the foundational skills needed to be successful but our next challenge is to provide unique opportunities for our students as they APPLY their learning.

As a staff we believe that students need structure, accountability and consistency for them to perform their best. We also believe that students deserve relationships, respect and kindness from all staff members and peers. A prerequisite for student learning is a students' basic needs and well-being. Northside is a building where students are learning without fear of making mistakes. The adults within this building will model respect and have consistently high expectations for themselves. We will also celebrate the successes of our students and staff!

A fun activity that we have undertaken this school year is a collaboration with the city of Midway called SaddleUp Midway. This is our chance, as a school, to apply the learning we embark on every day. Our students at each grade level have been tasked with, "Reminding the city of Midway what makes it the greatest place to live and go to school." We connect this learning with our district's Portrait of a Learner where students are working to grow in competencies like becoming resilient learners, reflective collaborators, empathetic communicators, creative problem solvers and responsible contributors.

Northside is a family environment where we welcome in our parents and community to collaborate with us in the best interest of our students. Thanks to everyone for partnering with us and making a wonderful experience for our Northside Thoroughbreds!

School-Parent Compact

Northside Elementary School

School–Parent Compact

Schools and parents must work together as partners in the effort to improve student achievement.  The commitments listed below will help guide this process and promote an effective partnership.

Teacher Commitments

  • Time for parents and students.
  • Provide quality curriculum and instruction for students.
  • Respect each family and each child’s unique qualities.
  • Employ varied instructional techniques/strategies to target different learning styles.
  • Keep the lines of communication open.
  • Share homework expectations in writing.

Student Commitments

  • Come to school every day.
  • Be ready to learn. Have completed work and supplies ready.
  • Cooperate with your teachers, classmates, and all school staff.
  • Pay attention! Ask for help when you need it.
  • Listen and follow the rules.
  • Strive for high quality work by giving your best effort.

Parent/Family Commitments

  • Make sure your child gets plenty of rest.
  • Make sure your child eats a good breakfast.
  • Provide plenty of quiet time for reading and homework.
  • Monitor attendance.
  • Monitor the time spent on T.V. and video/computer time.
  • Be active in the schools.
  • Be involved and support your child’s learning.

Principal Commitments

  • Provide safe environment for students.
  • Be visible, involved and accessible.
  • Encourage teachers and staff to embrace students and families.
  • Provide an environment that fosters positive communication.

  • Las escuelas y los padres deben trabajar juntos como socios en el esfuerzo por mejorar el logro de sus estudiantes. Los compromisos enumerados a continuación ayudarán a guiar este proceso y promoverán una asociación eficaz.

    Compromisos de los maestros

    • Tiempo para padres y alumnos.
    • Proporcionar un plan de estudios e instrucción de calidad para los estudiantes.
    • Respete cada familia y las cualidades únicas de cada niño.
    • Emplear variadas técnicas/estrategies de instrucción para enfocarse en diferentes estilos de aprendizaje.
    • Mantenga abiertas las líneas de comunicación.
    • Comparta las expectativas de la tarea por escrito.

    Compromisos de los estudiantes

    • Ven a la escuela todos los días.
    • Esté preparado para aprender. Tenga el trabajo terminado y los materiales listos.
    • Coopera con tus maestros, compañeros de clase y todo el personal de la escuela.
    • ¡Presta atención! Pide ayuda cuando la necesites.
    • Escuche y siga las reglas.
    • Estuércese por un trabajo de alta calidad dando su mejor esfuerzo.

    Compromisos de los padres/la familia

    • Asegúrese de que su hijo descanse lo suficiente.
    • Asegúrese de que su hijo coma un buen desayuno.
    • Proporcione mucho tiempo tranquilo para leer y hacer la tarea.
    • Supervise la asistencia.
    • Controle el tiempo dedicado a la televisión y el tiempo de video/computadora.
    • Sea activo en las escuelas.
    • Participe y apoye el aprendizaje de su hijo.

    Compromisos del director

    • Proveer un ambiente seguro para los estudiantes.
    • Ser visible, involucrado, y accesible.
    • Anime a los maestros y al personal a abrazar a lost estudiantes y las familias.
    • Proporcionar un ambiente que fomente la comunicación positiva.
Menu Change

Menu will change to Wednesday: Chicken nuggets & Thursday: Pizza.

Northside Notes
Screenshot of Private Facebook group.

Please call the office for more information about our private Facebook group.